
December 20, 2016

Drunken Explorer Notes

Merry fucking xmas my darlings!  For the holidays this year I got you 31 pages of drunken ramblings and geographic notes, accompanied by hand-drawn maps of dubious quality.  Just what you always wanted, right?!  For realz though, I hope everyone has an amazing holiday and doesn’t have to deal with too many people and gets lots of good presents and eats lots of good food and has a beer or two and gets to play boardgames and have a nerf gun fight, cuz that’s what I plan on doing.  I’m a lucky boy to be back in Canada for the season, and it looks like I’m even going to get a white christmas.

These notes range from my last days in Polynesia, through my travels in the northern half of Japan (sorry southern-half, I’ll be back!), into Thailand’s nooks and crannies, then home again.  The best maps are probably the last few, so I’d suggest just skipping ahead.  Combined with my first book of notes, you’ll get a sense of my variegated adventures throughout 2016; I covered almost 63,000 km this year!!

That’s all for now.  You’ll hear from me next week, after xmas.  Once again, I wish everyone the best and hope you have an amazing holiday!  And if you have to work, slack hard.  It’s the right thing to do.  Love!